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Satellite photo of New Orleans

This post-flood satellite image has one-meter resolution. (Note: It’s a BIG graphic.) [Found at] [Technorati tags:]

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6 Responses to “Satellite photo of New Orleans”

  1. Satellite photo of New Orleans

    Satellite photo of New Orleans

  2. has new imagery.

  3. I think they should add another 10 billion in the Federal relief package and build more refineries here in America. After all the whole nation is feeling the gas prices go up as a result of Katrina. The President should have been quicker to act as well as the rest of our always fast acting and honest Governments around the world lol. I remember when gas was 89 cents a gallon and for 10 bucks you could get almost 11 gallons I put 10 bucks into today and got 3 gallons. I am only 27 years old so I am not talking about 1960, 70, or even 80 1990 just almost 8 9 years ago. Cool photo I like Googles keyhole feature to.

  4. I’ll admit, gas prices are high, but think about the rest of the world. How much do they average in England, Germany, the rest of Europe? I remember going to Europe 10 years ago and their prices were higher then than they are now here in the states. Sure, I remember too when it was less than a buck for a gallon of gas. If you take into effect that we have lost a lot of oil from the burning fields in the middle east and the rising demand for gas from people driving everywhere in their gas guzzling SUV’s, it’s a wonder that gas isn’t higher.

    Another thing that irks me is how everyone is quick to place the blame on George W. Bush. I might not agree with a lot of things he does, but remember, we the people of the U.S. elected him in and if people don’t like it, I’m sure there’s room in France for them. If you take his job into perspective, it’s not an easy job. It’s not like he goes to work for an hour and takes the rest of the day off for golf. He has to make decisions every day that affect the average Joe. Sometimes the choices he makes arn’t perfect, but he is human afterall. The world today is constantly evolving and we must adapt to face the challenges ahead. When you are in charge of the worlds best nation, that’s a lot of responsibility to take on.

    People say that we can pour millions of dollars into helping other countries, but can’t help our own. Honestly, I think it sucks that we are the only country that not only contributes the most, but is criticized when we don’t help out enough. People don’t complain when other countries didn’t help during other world calamities. When disaster hits us, how many countries are willing to help. I’m not talking about saying that they will support us and not doing anything. I’m talking about actually donating money to help out. I don’t remember anyone offering to help out when Sept 11 happened. I don’t remember anyone offering to help when towns were leveled during numerous hurricanes and earthquakes. Heck, even the Great Depression, no one else helped out. It’s sad to think what this world has come to when so many depend on us to survive. What if this country ended… How many other countries would wither away without our aid? I can name several.

    Jerry, I respect what you have said, and I would love to see gas fall back down to anywhere in the one dollar range (ie $1.99), but I think with more refineries, it wouldn’t help much. I think the problem is with lack of crude oil.

  5. I love you Steve

  6. How about, instead of whining about the inconvinience of high gas prices, we do something about it. Get out the bike and put holding bags on it. Carry your groceries home that way. Walk to work. Stop being a victim. Get off your dead end and do something about it.

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