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[ars electronica] Neil Gershenfeld

Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms talked (via video) about Internet 0, but my laptop was up on the podium, so I couldn’t take notes.

Internet 0 is a lightweight P2P network that enables objects (light bulbs, appliances…anything electrical) to communicate with one another within subnets. From a PC Magazine article:

By storing essential IP data at each node (say, a light switch), along with rules for updating the data, the house doesn’t need to route messages through servers. So as you plug in lights and appliances, you’re building a giant distributed-data structure. This helps keep building costs down, since a large wiring diagram isn’t necessary to complete construction. It also circumvents the cost of maintaining server hardware.

Here’s a little bit more, from Jon Lebkowsky at WorldChanging. [I’m falling behind in my blogging1 Noooo!] [Technorati tags: ]

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