Join Cindy’s vigil is sponsoring nationwide vigils on Wednesday night in support of Cindy Sheehan’s vigil outside of Crawford, Texas.

I’ll be at the one at Washington Square in Brookline. Want to know why? I’m not sure I can tell you. I don’t have a simple solution to the war we were lied into, and I have no sympathy for the dictator we deposed. But I’m heartsick about an administration so abstracted from reality that our president can’t cut short his two-hour bicycle ride or his fund raising to speak with a gold star mom. And I am scared shitless by a powerful nation that thinks it is beholden to nothing but its own ideas…that it, alone in the world, is above the world.
So, I’ll take a half hour of silence in a public square to think about the course we’re on and those who are paying the first price for it. [Tags: CindySheehan MoveOn iraq]
Here’s a powerful voice (Iraq the Model) telling Cindy why her son didn’t die in vain.
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