July 9, 2005
More Islamic Global Voices on London
Global Voices rounds up more Moslem voices blogging about the recent attempt to frighten London. [Technorati tags: globalvoices london]
July 9, 2005
Global Voices rounds up more Moslem voices blogging about the recent attempt to frighten London. [Technorati tags: globalvoices london]
So, I tried to delete a post because it was based on a humongous and irresponsible misreading I committed. I discovered my error about 15 minutes after I posted it, so I figured if I deleted it right away, I wouldn’t be breaking anyone’s links.
Except that trackbacks to it went out immediately.
Except with MovableType you have to rebuild your site to get rid of the post, which takes another 15 minutes or so.
Except that the post is still part of my RSS feed.
I don’t mind the post being available so long as the fact that it was mistaken is also available. Indeed, I’ve posted the text of the original post in the comments section of my post explaining why I deleted the original post. (Yes, if you unwind that sentence enough, it actually does make sense.) But I should have known: The instant you post, you’ve ground the butterfly under your heels and it ain’t ever going to get up again.
July 8, 2005
I end up with dozens of tabs open, and while several Firefox extensions provide a popup list for easier navigation, I’d really like a sidebar listing all the open tabs so I can close them easily. Anyone know of an extension that does this? Anyone want to write one? (I’d do it if I knew how.)
Sascha has done a spreadsheet estimating the cost of covering some square miles with a wireless network. Conclusion:
…clearly, the costs are far cheaper for an open source, open architecture system than are currently being estimated for proprietary networks.
[Technorati tags: muniwifi wifi]
I just deleted a post of mine, something I don’t think I’ve done before. I deleted it because it was substantially and completely wrong, as a commenter quickly pointed out. (Thanks, Max!) It was only up for about 15 mins, so it’s highly unlikely that it was indexed or that anyone else pointed to it, so I don’t think my deleting the post will break anyone’s links.
I posted on the basis of a friend sending me big chunks of a column by Fox commentator John Gibson that made it sound as if he wished PAris had been attacked instead of London. In fact, he says that he wished Paris had been chosen for the Olympics rather than London…granted that he wishes this because he would rather see the French have to deal with the security worries and hassles. I don’t like that sort of anti-French stupidity, but it’s not in the same class as what I thought he was saying at first.
So, since I was way wrong, and irresponsibly didn’t do more than glance at the original article, and because deleting the post is unlikely to break any links, I’ve just pulled it.
FWIW, here’s the original Gibson article. (It’s a no-follow link since Gibson undoubtedly gets off on “being controversial” and I don’t want to add to his pleasure.) His latest confirms he’s a heartless asshole. An “I told you so” in these circumstances is not just bad taste; it reduces the tragedy to the size of Gibson’s ego, which, while massive, is outweighed in the scales that matter by a single London tear.
For many of you the only puzzle will be why I didn’t realize this instantly. Anyway:
Our shower has a single lever that adjusts the hot and cold. Over the years I’ve noticed that my preferred temperature is at the 5 o’clock position during the winter but at 8 during the summer, i..e, I move the lever more toward cold during the summer. Since it seemed unlikely that our hot water heater was heating water hotter during the summer, I’ve assumed I just like a colder shower in the summer. Today I realized that that’s probably not the case.
What’s going on?
Since almost all of us have non-profit blogs, let me clarify: The topic at the Thursday night Berkman blogging meeting was blogging by non-profits. Deborah Elizabeth Finn posted a useful roundup in advance of the meeting. Beth Kanter and Brian Reich also presented. Marnie Webb, non-profit blogging superhero (aw, gosh, anyone who works for a non-profit is a superhero), participated via skype and irc. You can see informal notes from the meeting here. And the hot tag to use is nptech. [Technorati tags: nptech DeborahElizabethFinn BethKanter BrianReich MarnieWebb blogs berkman]
July 7, 2005
My British friends, we are all thinking of you today, even though many of us, like me, are not finding the words.
Some sources:
Bob Katz, my friend and speaking manager, has a book out called Elaine’s Circle: A Teacher, A Student, A Classroom and One Unforgettable Year, “a true story of an inspiring fourth grade teacher in Eagle River, Alaska and a 10 year old boy diagnosed with a terminal brain cancer.” Here’s my favorite blurb of it, among many from the likes of Daniel Goleman and Marc Brown (“Arthur”):
There is an enormous library of books on education — the theory, the practice. But Bob Katz here gives us a book that gets to the heart and soul of teaching, of learning, by telling an unforgettable story of one teacher, one class, one year, one fourth grade child. — Howard Zinn
I haven’t read it yet, but it got a good review in Publishers Weekly and Bob is a good writer. [Technorati tags: BobKatz ElainesCircle books] [Technorati tags: BobKatz ElainesCircle books education]
July 6, 2005
If Larry’s not happy, I’m not happy.