A PR agency I’d like to see
PRSpeak thinks maybe it’s time to get the various people mouthing off about PR (I am one of those mouthers) into a room and produce something like a manifesto.
This isn’t a manifesto, but here’s a self-description I’d like to hear from a PR agency sometime:
1. Our PR agency’s aim is to help knowledge emerge in public.
2. We recognize that knowledge is a property of conversations.
3. Scientists, industry experts, businesses, enthusiasts, and users each have important and unique contributions to make to these conversations. No one group holds all the knowledge necessary.
4. So, the aim of this agency is to help enable the conversations from which knowledge emerges. [Here’s where a list of services would go.]
5. Our clients pay us to represent the public’s interest in having the honest and useful conversations that generate knowledge, because our clients believe that an increase in public knowledge is good for their business.
Could such an agency actually make money? I don’t know. That’s why it’s called “mouthing off.” [Technorati tags: PublicRelations PR]
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