Joho the Blog » Iraqi blogger detained by intelligence service
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Iraqi blogger detained by intelligence service

Khalid Jarrar, a Global Voices blogger, has been detained. Global Voices reports:

Khalid’s family are calling for his release, or at very least that he be charged and tried for something. Raed [his brother] says: “Our goal now is to ask the mokhabarat to take Khalid to court and reveal what exactly he is being charged with (if anything).”

Please show your support for the Khalid Jarrar by posting supportive comments at Raed‘s and Khalid‘s latest posts. If you’re a blogger, please help spread the word by linking to them.

At Raed’s blog you can share the family’s joy when they discover, after two days, that Khalid had been taken by the secret service, which “would be considered a disaster and a violation of human rights” anywhere else.

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