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Santorum refuses to back down, insisting he really is a jerk

Rick Santorum continues to affirm that Boston’s “sexual license” and “sexual freedom” (Has he ever been to this city? Puhleease!) created the environment that led to an epidemic of clergymen raping children.

Notice that Boston does not have any more non-clergy-related child abuse cases than anywhere else. So, what Santorum is actually saying is that a sexually permissive environment (again I must laugh) will lead priests astray. Priests in disproportionate numbers.

If Santorum were thinking this through, instead of just trying to raise his ratings with his ultra-conservative constituency, I believe he would come to the conclusion that since priests work in a sexually repressed environment, sexual repression, not permission, fosters a statistically significant tendency toward child rape. I mean, that’s if you want to connect the statistics about child rape with vague characterizations of the “environment,” which is probably a mistake to begin with.

Or, if may put my argument differently, in the words of Barney Frank, Rick Santorum is a jerk. Wait, are the jerks the ones who use the mass rape of children for their political advantage? Yup, they are.

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More seriously, CapitolBuzz reports that a victims’ group has responded to Santorum’s ridiculous theories.

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