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Our secret’s out: Before we liberals eat children, first we have sex with them

Rick Santorum said in 2002 that Boston’s liberal culture is to blame for the fact that an outrageous number of Catholic clergymen have raped children: “While it is no excuse for this scandal, it is no surprise that Boston, a seat of academic, political, and cultural liberalism in America, lies at the center of the storm.” Interesting theory.

And he’s standing by it. When Bryan McGrory in a column in The Boston Globe asked Santorum’s office to elaborate, an aide replied: “It’s an open secret that you have Harvard University and MIT that tend to tilt to the left in terms of academic biases. I think that’s what the senator was speaking to.” Oh yeah, at Harvard and MIT we have people minoring in Child Molestation.

If Santorum believes what he’s saying, he’s irresponsibly stupid. If he doesn’t, I’ll see him in Hell. [Thanks to CapitolBuzz for the link.] [Technorati tags: ]

A reader suggests some nasty, adults-only, Santorum-bashing humor from Savage Love – the results of a contest looking for a sex-related definition of the word “santorum.”

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