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GPS, Private Eye

Paul English writes:

I was complaining to my brother yesterday that a stereo shop put six miles on my convertible even though there was no need to drive it. He said “that’s nothing!” and told me a body shop kept his Acura for one month, supposedly waiting and waiting for various parts, but when he finally got the car back, he looked in the GPS and saw addresses for several towns all over the place! I guess they had a fun time using his ride for the month. Sheesh! He then tells me his friend drives a tow truck and admitted to taking a couple quarters out of each car his tows— just enough to add up for coffee runs during the day but not enough to elicit complaints. My brother couldn’t believe this, so he has started leaving a dozen quarters in his car each time he leaves it at a shop or with a valet, and sure enough, people almost always take some of the money! Time for a major sting operation me thinks…

Ack. Makes me appreciate Billy and Freddy who own the A-Z repair shop we’ve been going to for 20 years. Their father brought ’em up right.

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