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You can’t go home(page) again

So, I tried to delete a post because it was based on a humongous and irresponsible misreading I committed. I discovered my error about 15 minutes after I posted it, so I figured if I deleted it right away, I wouldn’t be breaking anyone’s links.

Except that trackbacks to it went out immediately.

Except with MovableType you have to rebuild your site to get rid of the post, which takes another 15 minutes or so.

Except that the post is still part of my RSS feed.

I don’t mind the post being available so long as the fact that it was mistaken is also available. Indeed, I’ve posted the text of the original post in the comments section of my post explaining why I deleted the original post. (Yes, if you unwind that sentence enough, it actually does make sense.) But I should have known: The instant you post, you’ve ground the butterfly under your heels and it ain’t ever going to get up again.

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