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Why I just deleted a post

I just deleted a post of mine, something I don’t think I’ve done before. I deleted it because it was substantially and completely wrong, as a commenter quickly pointed out. (Thanks, Max!) It was only up for about 15 mins, so it’s highly unlikely that it was indexed or that anyone else pointed to it, so I don’t think my deleting the post will break anyone’s links.

I posted on the basis of a friend sending me big chunks of a column by Fox commentator John Gibson that made it sound as if he wished PAris had been attacked instead of London. In fact, he says that he wished Paris had been chosen for the Olympics rather than London…granted that he wishes this because he would rather see the French have to deal with the security worries and hassles. I don’t like that sort of anti-French stupidity, but it’s not in the same class as what I thought he was saying at first.

So, since I was way wrong, and irresponsibly didn’t do more than glance at the original article, and because deleting the post is unlikely to break any links, I’ve just pulled it.

FWIW, here’s the original Gibson article. (It’s a no-follow link since Gibson undoubtedly gets off on “being controversial” and I don’t want to add to his pleasure.) His latest confirms he’s a heartless asshole. An “I told you so” in these circumstances is not just bad taste; it reduces the tragedy to the size of Gibson’s ego, which, while massive, is outweighed in the scales that matter by a single London tear.

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