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Two papers, one real

Karen Schneider, the Freerange Librarian, has an article in the Library Journal on the ethics of librarian blogs that begins promisingly: “Blogging is turning information into a conversation…” And, it continues just as well, explaining the ethics and ethos of blogging in what she calls the “biblioblogosphere.” She recommends transparency, linking to sites with which you disagree, being accurate — even postponing pressing the Publish button until you’re sure, a pretty drastic step for some of us — and admitting your mistakes.

The BBC reports that the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI) to be held in July in Orlando accepted a paper that was in fact machine-generated gibberish. Well, what do you expect from a conference that calls itself “the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics”?

You can generate your very own gibberish science paper here. [Technorati tags: ]

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