Joho the Blog » Worst hotel wifi…ever
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Worst hotel wifi…ever

I’m at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort (trip of my 3 trips to Phoenix over the course of 8 days). The hotel is lovely but their broadband offerings consist of two parts: You can get broadband via a wire in your bedroom for $10 for 24 hours, or you can take advantage of the wifi in the hotel lobby for $10 per use.

Yes, per use. Cheaper hotels offer wifi for free. More expensive hotels sometimes, in my experience, make you pay for a wired hookup in your bedroom but provide free wifi in the lobby. Leave it to the pace-setting Scottsdale Plaza Resort to move to the per-session wifi model made popular by pay phones and hookers.

I have left the hotel a strongly worded note. Of course, the fact that I just spent 5.5 hours in the middle seat on a packed, overheated plane where dinner consisted of 12 peanuts has had no effect on my mood. None whatsofucking ever.

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