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Content spam?

Miles Wolbe of has stumbled across a site, StarGeek, that re-posts contents from blogs, larded up with with irrelevant ads. For example, here’s a page that “repurposes” one of my posts.

The site says:

projectGrok is a beta portal CMS written in PHP and driven by RSS content. Using MYSQL tables to store headlines and text from a bank of RSS url’s from your target niche, projectGrok automatically clusters entries of relavant and timely content.

Or possibly it uses other people’s content to try to get ads in articles returned by searches at Google. Hard to tell, but their article on “Keyword Research” is about search page optimization. So I’m suspicious enough to use the “nofollow” attribute when linking to them. If I’m misjudging these folks, let me know and I’ll post a correction immediately below.

BTW, the latest entry in the weblog on their home page is dated 7/13/04 [Technorati tag:]

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