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Breaking the profanity barrier

At the conference I’m at, the shit barrier was broken at 1:30. That’s the moment the word “shit” was first used by one of the speakers.

I have only recently begun to collect data on this phenomenon, and look forward to producing many attractive line graphs.

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6 Responses to “Breaking the profanity barrier”

  1. Then, shouldn’t this have been the first of your posts that you “shit”-tagged ?

  2. I have a theory, notice that as soon as you used the word “shit” in your post, Jon immediatly called back another “shit”. And by the end of this sentence, I will have said “shit” three times. So then, here is my forumla… shit I forgot my high school algebra. Oh well, that last “shit” proved my forumla wrong. Regardless, I’m guessing that there will be some sort of exponential increase.

  3. Well, shit, I just had to Google:

    First result is rather amusing:

  4. I have started noticing this phenomenon in meetings at work as well. I was particlarly proud of myself for saying “fucked up” twice on a conference call yesterday. ;-)

  5. Is it Shit?

    Step One: Google "shit"

    Step Two: Read whatever website google ranks as first.

    Step Three: Tell me

  6. Monkey Pornography

    Stumbled across this fantastic weblog: Philosophy of Biology. The fact that I am not very familiar with biology (as a body of knowledge) makes this find all the better. Anyhow, the reader

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