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Italian TV blog

Marco Montemagno has a show on Sk TG 24 (Sky’s all news channel) about the Internet blogging. He writes that it’s the first time in Italy that a news channel has:

Run a blog

Made videos of the show freely available (via Coral CDN p2p and blogtorrent)

Made the audio available via podcasting (Feedburner enclosure)

“Asked users to send material, participating in the news creation, so that we’ll try to realize a sort of “Gillmor grassroots jornalism” principle.”

Sounds very cool. Good luck, Marco!

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2 Responses to “Italian TV blog”

  1. SKY TG24 citata da David Weinberger

    David Weinberger, per chi non lo conoscesse, é uno dei più importanti guru della Rete (é coautore di Cluetrain Manifesto nonché l’autore di Arcipelago Web). Sul suo blog (che consiglio di mettere subito tra i preferiti!) ha appena parlato di

  2. The coup de grace would be for them to support and advertise a semi-official irc channel, so people can pull apart the news socially and in real time.

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