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Rageboy’s Caverns

RageBoy does a post with my name on it. It’s all part of the spelunking he’s been doing for months, finding the passages that connect the echoing caverns of AI, cognitive psych, marketing, New Age-ism and the Boy Scouts. He’s charting one hell of a map.

Why is this entry for me? I sent Chris a 2005 “Who Moved My Cheese” calendar and he apparently made the mistake of reading all 365 entries in one sitting, the pharmaceutical equivalent of downing six tabs of windowpane. [Technorati tag:]

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3 Responses to “Rageboy’s Caverns”

  1. I just realized that, for only 37 cents a day, I can send each and every one of those damn calendar pages back to you one at a time. Alert your snail man for the Long Deluge!

    But thanks about the map. yeah, it’s gettin bigger alla time. I thinking encyclopedia at this point. The actual Hitchhiker’s Guide, not just a book *about* it.

  2. but wait… no, no, no. that one I wrote a YEAR ago. christ, your memory is worse than mine. is that possible? the recent one that POINTS to that one is right now this second the top entry at and it’s titled
    “a brief look at the strangely entangled history of psychology, advertising and public relations”

  3. hmm…six tabs of windowpane, it’s all starting to make sense

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