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Symbiotic thought

Steve Johnson, one of my favorite writers, has a piece in the NYTimes about software that collaborates in the thinking process. He elaborates in his blog, complete with screen captures of DevonThink at work. The software does a semantic analysis of what Steve’s written and his research notes. Now if only I had ten years’ worth of research notes stored in my computer! (Maybe Steve would let me borrow his.)

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5 Responses to “Symbiotic thought”

  1. well, a blog is a pretty decent substitute for research notes!

    This, because I already use blosxom ( as a kind of cross between private blog and research-note organiser. The idea of plugging that data into a system to find relevant material is really, really appealing.

  2. Joho the Blog: Symbiotic thought

    Joho the Blog: Symbiotic thought. Meant to post this earlier. I like the idea of a software app that can crawl through writing and snippets and offer up new bits of meaningful information.

    Steve Johnson, one of my favorite writers, has a piece in th…

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