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Digital ID slides

If for some bizarre reasons you want to see my slides for the Jupiter Inside ID conference, they’re here.

Username: insideid
password: nov04

Unfortunately, they’re mainly graphics and won’t make much sense. Also, the file is 7MB. Also, unless you have Powerpoint XP or greater, they won’t animate.

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3 Responses to “Digital ID slides”

  1. David,

    I can’t get the presentation to load on my Office 2003 version of PowerPoint which spits back saying it cant read it when you try to load it.

  2. I successfully downloaded the slides and it was well worth the effort. I was fortunate enough to have been in the audience at InsideID so I enjoyed the benefit of the dialog (and humor!) along with the visual effect of the slides. Central themes of the presentation: (1) life is complex and implicit — attempts at articulation are imperfect; (2) the default “state” of identity in “life” is anonymous — there are many subtle reasons this behavior should be modeled on the internet; (3) although a noun, “identity” is different from “dog” (or “bankAccount”) in fundamental ways related to human interaction; (4) accountability has a dark side (called “accountabalism”!) that intuitively relates to the identity issue.

  3. Aha! So THAT’s what I said! :)

    Thanks, Steve.

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