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Preserving Books

Jeez, what an interesting day.

I spent the morning at the the Jupiter Inside ID conference. Then I had lunch with six folks from the Library of Congress who have a variety of interests and deep, passionate expertise. We talked about if, when and how the Library’s 150M objects will be digitized and how that will change the institution, research, knowledge, authority… It was completely fascinating. Then I got a tour of the Library’s 100-person conservation/preservation division. May I use the “fascinating” word twice in one paragraph? I’ve been mightily impressed by the people I’ve met there.

Now, after a spicy Indian dinner with my nephew and a friend of his, I’m in a hotel in Providence that promised free wifi. Instead I get messages about out of date certificates and about reaching the redirection limit as it tries to connect with the wifi service provider’s home page. I’m using dialup for the first time in a looong time and feeling just a tad cranky about it.

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7 Responses to “Preserving Books”

  1. Dial-up in a hotel? Barbaric! Next they’ll have you using an outhouse! Four or five years ago you could go to a Hilton in a major metropolitan area and get nothing. But things seem better now. Heck even the Howard Johnson’s I stayed in a few months ago in Madison had free (and working) wifi. I hope you complained, David.

  2. The lovely hotel we’ll be staying at in Paris next week told me on Monday that, “oh yes, of course we have Internet, we have ze wee-feye.” I smiled and smiled!

  3. Not only did you use “fascinating” twice, but it was regarding a library.

  4. Oh I feel for you sir; I do believe that we have been spoiled by high speed. I understand that the majority of the country is still on dial up, but I have been on cable for the past 5 years, and when I am forced to use an analog connection I usually just say “Oh @#$% it, it’s not even worth my time”. Does that make me a “Techno Snob”?

  5. They mentioned the American Memory project, right?
    That’s been underway for quite a while.

  6. Tanya, yes, I actually got to have lunch with one of the people on that project. Very interesting.

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