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Micah on Open Source Politics

Micah Sifry on Open Source Politics at The Nation. He starts with a Dean anecdote I’d never heard before, and barrels on through the topic. Good piece.

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4 Responses to “Micah on Open Source Politics”

  1. I just know this is going to sound picky … but this phenomenon is also happening in various ways, and at varying rates of uptake and involvement, in countries other than the USA.

    It’s a global thing, and it is indeed the now-real, tangible beginnings of the paradigm shift promised by the Joel Barkers and Alvin Tofflers and Marshall McLuhans and Stafford Beers (and many others) of this world.

  2. ‘Open-Source’ Politics And Party Control

    Despite having done my time in the realm of Internet politics (helping to spearhead what at the time in the early-to-mid nineties was the largest online petition campaign ever, against the Communications Decency Act), I haven’t ever actually downed the…

  3. dude, i had an immense blowout with my spinoza prof. I told her that she was beautiful, and she had an enourmous hissy fit. No wonder a flickin fem put a bullet in Lenin’s brain!

  4. yo yo, stafford BEERS! amen

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