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A week of ulps

I’m beginning a week of nutty travel to ulp-worthy events

This morning I’m keynoting MESDA, a Maine technology association meeting. I’m inaugurating a new presentation that touches on the themes of the book I’m trying to write about how the new principles of organization arising in the digital world undercut principles that have guided the construction of knowledge and institutions for the past 2,500 years. Ulp.

On Monday I go to DC to give the first in a speaker series sponsored by the Library of Congress. It’s going to be run live on C-SPAN, I’m told, including viewer questions. Ulp. I’m talking about the same stuff as at MESDA, although shaped differently. In fact, the title is “The Shape of Knowledge, or, Everything Is Miscellaneous.”

On Tuesday, I’m keynoting the Jupiter Inside ID conference. What I know about digital ID would fit inside an introduction to a keynote, so I’m taking a bizarre route through ordinary language philosophy to argue that when it comes to ID, we ought to let the norms of the real world be our prima facie guide. Another new presentation. Ulp.

Later on Tuesday I go back to the Library of Congress to participate in a day of discussions.

Then I go to Providence for a day of the ASIS conference of information scientists. I’m there to learn.

On Thursday I come back to DC for a day of interviewing people at the Library of Congress for my book. (Yes, if I were smart I would have done the interviews before giving the lecture.)


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3 Responses to “A week of ulps”

  1. Caught your presentation at MESDA this morning, David, and loved it. As a fan of the Cluetrain, I wasn’t surprised by the discussion of voice as it pertains to credibility, but the examples were great. Great chat – I’ll be writing it up shortly.

  2. As Much as I Thought Our Session Was Good…

    David Weinberger’s was even better. David – of Cluetrain fame and a Harvard Berkman Center fellow, if you’re not familiar with him – gave a great talk called “The Information Revolution that Wasn’t and the One that Will Be.” Among…

  3. david, just got off the c-span televising of your talk (which i switched to by accident because the news hour was uncustomarily bland on bush cabinet changes). first time i really understood blogging. thanks for that. do you know of blogs that bridge the sides of the iraqi war?

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