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Ringtone: The Movie

My daughter and I have made a short movie (58 seconds) for your enjoyment. It’s called RingTone.

Ringtone frame

Real player
Windows Media Player (low resolution)
Windows Media Player (higher resolution)

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6 Responses to “Ringtone: The Movie”

  1. uh, she needs some acting lessons. It’s low energy and not crazy enough.
    Joho, post something about indulgence in amateur videos in WWW ?

  2. David, you should submit this to the new AmazonTheater.

    BTW, I think the denoument is when Leah realizes that futility of and the angst associated with fulfillment dependent upon the oh-so-brief ringtone.

    I love the allusion to Picasso in the background. This primum opus makes me think of the “Weeping Woman” paintings of Dora Maar. If I recall correctly, I think Buneul used the same distracting wallpaper tableau in Un Chien Andalou. BTAICBW.

  3. Note: Google says BTAICBW=But Then Again I Could
    Be Wrong

  4. Leah Weinberger makes her debut

    ….but she doesn’t answer it. My daughter and I have made a short movie (58 seconds) for your enjoyment. It’s called RingTone. Real player Windows Media Player (low resolution) Windows Media Player (higher resolution) QuickTime [Joho the Blog]…

  5. Real and QT didn’t load for me. Windows high did.

  6. You guys are crazy this is Superb! I am still smiling 20min later.

    Another Numa Numa sensation I can see it now, lets see some more!

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