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My ringtone

Having returned the Sony Ericsson T627 I bought last week because it has the worst UI in history, I now have a Motorola v220. So far so good, but why can’t I record my own voice saying “Pick up the damn phone, fool!” and use that as my ring tone? Why isn’t that a standard feature of all cell phones?

Not to mention the possibility of celebrity ringtones. I’d pay Cory or Doc to speak my ring tone. Or Doc and RageBoy together. Geek heaven!

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10 Responses to “My ringtone”

  1. Very good idea, Dave. I have wondered the exact same thing for many years. If I could choose a ring tone, it would be this: “The number you have reached is no longer working. If you would like to make a call, please hang up, and try your number again.” But I also really like “pick up the damn phone, fool!”.

  2. I just got a new cell phone too! It’s a Nokia something-or-other. I don’t know the model number, and don’t care. When my old Nokia (which I loved, but which everyone teased me about because it was (a) analog and (2) “big”) finally gave up the ghost a couple of weeks ago, I called my carrier and said, “Look here, I’ve been a customer for almost ten years, I think I deserve a new phone.” They agreed.
    It arrived via courier ten days later, and after jumping through hoops to install a fingernail sized card, then charging, turning on and off a succession of times, I thought I was finally ready to place and receive calls — which is all I ask my cell phone to do. I don’t want to browse the Web on my phone. I don’t want to send email. I don’t want to “text”, whatever that means, and I sure as hell don’t want to take pictures with it.
    I tried to place a call. Couldn’t find the SEND button. (No, I’m not a moron; it’s not labelled.) Had to look it up in the manual. Then I tried to call it from my home phone and the ring tone almost made me jump out of my skin. What the *hell* was that? Why can’t it sound LIKE A PHONE RINGING?
    It rang for three minutes while I looked in the manual to find which button to press to answer the call. On my old phone, you could press any button to answer the call.
    Why can’t technology get simpler, rather than more difficult?

  3. I’m wondering why nobody has made a ringtone of the original star trek communicator sound. WTF are these people thinking? They’d make a mint. I’d buy it in a heartbeat.

  4. I have an LG VX3200 and it supports this. The UI for this it isn’t as good as it could be, because it’s under the voice memo function, rather than where you select other ringtones.

  5. To Scott:

    To heck with just having a ringtone…I’ve been trying to figure out why Sharper Image or Brookstone or one of those other vendors of needless gear haven’t had a whole phone modelled after the original ST communicators…

  6. I would think that they do not have this feature so they can sell more ringtones…

  7. Hi, anyone experience with the new t627?
    Greetz G.

  8. pick up the phone bb

  9. There is another way to have your make your own ringtones (instead of recording them right on the phone). A couple of sites now enable you to create your own ringtones, for example:

    You can take any mp3, wma, or wav files on your computer and use Phone Sherpa’s ringtone maker to convert your music into custom ringtones. They also have an easy to use wallpaper editor.

  10. Liking Phone Sherpa a lot, thanks for the tip, but how come they dont let u make ur own video clips for ur phone?

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