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Odd bedfellows

The conservative site, VDare has a column by Paul Craig Roberts about how our re-electing Bush has ended “The American Century.” I find myself generally nodding along.

I explore the site and find it’s a “project of the Center for American Unity,” which is all about whipping up some good ol’ anti-immigrant fervor, lobbying against “mass immigration, multiculturalism, multilingualism, and affirmative action.” The fact that we are a nation of immigrants seems to me to be such a great strength — perhaps our greatest — that I’m willing to tolerate a fair bit of abuse of the system. So, we disagree.

I will say this about the site, though: Click on the bio of its president, Peter Brimelow, and centered under his glossy photo it says, “(more obvious signs of decay airbrushed out).” Sort of takes the edge off…

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