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Democratic Stages of Grief Advisory System

Grief alert
Good news! We’re moving from green to blue!

Or for those of you feeling somewhat, oh, feistier:

Grief alert

And while I’m in a graphical frame of mind:

American against Bush

American against Bush: Voted against, working against, very sorry

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18 Responses to “Democratic Stages of Grief Advisory System”

  1. I can admit my drinking led to some pilfering of my children’s Halloween candy. At least we’re making progress.

  2. dude, you’ll ifnd me in the green for the next four, thatS fa sha.

  3. bw–ahh, to be a freshman in college again–four years of drinking to look forward to–just don’t forget to come out of it reinvigorated, knowing a little bit more academically and a hell of a lot more personally (as in, about people), and not going to AA meetings every week…you’ll turn out fine:)

  4. You might want to read this:

    The post you just made will continue to completely turn off people like that. My wife is one of those people, btw – and congratulations – the constant venom spewing had her voting Republican (for much the same reasons as those listed in the link) for the first time in her life.

    So if you want to continue as the minority party – keep it up.

  5. Aftermath echoes and stream of … meanderings

    From David Weinberger’s Joho the blog: Democratic Stages of Grief Advisory System

  6. Thanks, James. You refer us to an excellent post. Much of what she says about the Kerry campaign I completely agree with. Some of her premises I’d dispute, e.g., that Air America is intended to present a coherent view of “our” beliefs. But, it was a very useful piece. Thanks.

    I assume your wife thought the second alert level was “venomous.” The first one is pretty feel-goody, don’t you think. The fact is that I don’t even think the second is particularly venomous. I think there’s a clear case for impeaching Bush. Or is it the use of the word “motherfucker” that offends your wife? While I think there is a clear oedipal case to be made with regard to W, I was using the word in its extended sense. If that upset your wife, express my regrets and please tell her that I cannot guarantee that I won’t use such language again. It depends on how things go in the next four years.

    Why? Because, it is, in my opinion, more important for us dumbstruck Democrats to pull together and harden our spines than to pretend to be in a conciliatory mood. We need some time to talk amongst ourselves. And what we need to say to one another isn’t always going to be very pretty.

  7. Democratic grief advisory system

    Check out Joho for the “Democratic grief advisory system.” He also has a link up to an interesting essay by John Perry Barlow, which in turn connects to a fascinating map comparing this election with the pre-civil war lines between…

  8. David Weinberger’s Grief Advisory System

    David Weinberger expresses his grief with some images. ;-)…

  9. I find it most intertesting that those least likely to be directly affected by a terrorist attack on our coutry – rural dwellers – are those who are most tramatized and fearful of attack, while those in most danger, i.e. blue state residents, voted for Kerry. Go figure…

  10. Oh no! We lost the vote of someone who felt nitpicks about Democratic strategy were more important than a president who lied to the American people in order to send their sons and daughter to war!

    Whatever shall we do?

    Wherever shall we go?


  11. Wow, amazing about that last election eh? George Bush was (supposedly) voted in again to lead the country. Supposing that he did indeed get at least 30% of the votes, then that’s about 30% more than is acceptable. To actually be supported. To those who voted for Bush – I believe you’re showing an incredible weakness. That weakness being fear. Your fear will have the effect you’re running from. Your fear is causing people to live without arms and legs, without eyes. With mutilated bodies. Your fear prompted the U.S. government to oblige you with revenge, and bomb innocent countries – or at least countries innocent of the crimes they were accused of. Afghanistan may be a harder sell than Iraq on that last point, but…

    You don’t think there’ll be a reckoning? Imagine if you came home to find your beautiful family blown to bits. Imagine. It has happened too many times. The United States of America. You may not understand, but that name makes blood boil all over the planet. That’s the kind of passion that has been unleashed as a result of your fear. There is hope however. Stop supporting murder in order for you to feel safer. It’s having the opposite effect. Just stop supporting it. It’s that easy.

    I’m aware that I may be coming across as elitist. I possess incredible weaknesses too. That shouldn’t stop me from pointing out this serious flaw in others though. Feel free to let me know what you think as well. I’ll try to keep an open mind.

  12. When people are voting for one candidate because they’re angry with some of the opinions voiced by some of the people supporting the other candidate…

    Well, is that really rational? Is it logical? Is it biting one’s nose to spite one’s face?

    (The person who mentions their wife makes it sound like she went against her own beliefs, morals, values, and stands on the issues, just to spite the Kerry supporters who pissed her off with glib remarks.)

    And am I to be expected to make it my life’s work to soothe & pander to people like this?

    If that were a goal of mine, I’d marry an abusive spouse with anger issues. haha!!!

  13. The healing has obviously begun

    Comedy, good outrageous comedy, is always far superior than tragedy for its simplicity. Check out David’s comic relief at Joho the Blog: Democratic Stages of Grief Advisory System Or for those of you feeling somewhat, oh, feistier: Or the hysterical Bl…

  14. one week later and counting…

    best link ever. all the graphics you ever wanted to describe our varied responses to the recent election of dear old w, that good ole boy that we universalists will have to greet with open arms at the pearly gates,…

  15. I wouldn’t put “Organizing” before “Opposing.” Maybe it’s just semantics, but “opposing” seems a less evolved state of working to build a better world than true organizing. To build the better world, one must not only oppose the status quo, but have a credible and compellingly articulated vision of a positive future.

  16. I noticed that too, Erica. I think you’ve got a good point.

  17. That post by the Sad American made me a sad American. As a New Yorker who lived through 9/11 and walks past a monument every morning to 11 townspeople who died there that day, I am so SICK of reading red staters tell me George Bush understands terrorism because he is willing to use military force…against completely unaffiliated Iraqi civilians. Her post reminded me once again of the ignorance we are up against. She didn’t bother to understand that Kerry’s vote against the 87 billion accompanied Bush’s threat to VETO a similar bill that would have required the wealthiest among us to pay their share. Her comment about Kerry’s “global test” showed once again the shallow narcisism of the average American. Here in NY, we understand in our bones that ALL people must be respected, not just those with American citizenship, and if we are going to deal with a global network of terrorism we had damn well better work together with the rest of the globe to understand and defeat it. Her “who cares what people think” and her asinine comparison to not being influenced by the opinions of classmates explains all too well how this barbarous president has been able to drag our country’s reputation through the mud and be admired for it by red staters like this person.

    I’m not in politics, so I could care less about massaging the feelings of ignorant red staters like this one. These red states take our blue state tax dollars and tell terrorists to “bring it on” when WE are the ones at risk and WE are the ones paying for it.

  18. I’m beginning to move out of the blue but am on both pics. I’ve eaten all the chocolates but am thrashing and not yet up to organizing. — Not even my web site which I abandoned to work on software to get out the vote.

    I wrote about information revolutions a number of years ago and unfortunately we are right on track. I had hoped that we would avoid the mistakes that came from basing our decisions on fear — but we are making them again – from dogma instead of fact, war as a solution to all our ills, no-nothing-ism — it’s all been done before during previous information revolutions.$3#fear

    Still a bummer — perhaps I can find some more chocolate.

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