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The honeymoon is over

The honeymoon for the Bush second term consisted of 24 hours of debilitating, news-avoiding, chocolate-cramming depression. As of this morning I am officially declaring the honeymoon over. (Who put me in charge? Didn’t you hear? ABB Land is now officially a permission-free zone. Huzzah!)

Salon* runs advice from a dozen or so notable notables. They range all over the lot. That’s ok because only Harvey Weinstein says “Let’s work together.” Fuck it. Let’s work against the force of intolerant fear-mongering that has swept this country.

Speak truth to stupidity. Speak truth to thuggery. Speak truth to douchebaggery. Better we each become Michael Moore than we all become Winston Smith. The power of testifying should give us, if not hope, at least something to do.

Sure, we need to reach out to the people who happily voted for a man who lied to get us into a war he came into office determined to pursue. We need to understand them. And then we need to defeat them.

We need to respect them. And then we need to thwart them. We need to fight their every effort to impose their small-minded god’s views on us.

Are we all Americans? Of course. Do we share goals and aspirations? Absolutely. Us vs. Them? Fucking-A, especially on the issues that count the most.

If they’re the center, then we’ve got to get ourselves a new map.

ABB Land is bigger than we know. You can read all about it in our blogs, millions of ’em. And, unlike the cold days of yore, our voices are already linked. A movement like none we’ve ever seen is one shout away from forming.

Honeymoon’s over. Time to get back to inventing our better world.

*BTW, it’s also time to renew your suscription to sites like Salon that help keep us going. Now more than ever.

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29 Responses to “The honeymoon is over”

  1. Oh, and Richard: As to points 1, 2, and 3: No, No, and No.

  2. Reach out… and slap

    I’m still struggling with my own frustration and anger, which basically means I’m trying to avoid lashing out without thinking it through. (Funny — isn’t that what makes me a liberal?) But one thing I’m sure of, because I’ve thought about it my w…

  3. Why bother?

    Start thinking about SECESSION.

    If the country is a couple, it would be a long nasty divorce proceeding, but it would’ve been over long ago.

  4. After reading JOHO for a year or so, I have to admit that I was disappointed when I read this post. I can certainly relate to David’s frustration, disappointment, and even anger, as I’ve seen it (both left and right) and even felt it at times myself, but I felt that this post crossed a line of reasonable discourse.

    A fair response would be: “Reasonable discourse? Have you heard/read some of things Republicans get away with?” And you’d be right, but I still have a (naive?) hope that people from both sides will rise above the anger and name calling.

    I wrote more on my site:


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