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Subliminable advertising

From Joseph Price comes this photo of his local polling place in Provo, Utah, which happens to be in a museum of taxidermy.

Elephant in the polling place

(Helpful Hint: Don’t ever order the pot pie in a museum of taxidermy’s cafeteria.)

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5 Responses to “Subliminable advertising”

  1. Here are photos from a slightly less subtle polling place:

    You’ll need to change the “BLUE” above to “green” because of your “spam” filter. Not very cluetrained, Dave…

  2. Here are photos from a slightly less subtle polling place:

    You’ll need to change the “BLUE” above to “green” because of your “spam” filter. Not very cluetrained, Dave…

  3. LOL – Think they were trying to send a subliminal message to vote republican?

  4. Sorry about that Forpulte. LGF accidentally got added to my comment spammers list. I’ve removed it from the list now. Click here to go to the link you point us at.

  5. Ah, the funny little things in life. Thanks for that.

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