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Oh, crap.

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17 Responses to “Oh, crap.”

  1. yep. sort of my feeling this morning as well. same thing, different year. is it better for kerry to take ohio and have a pyrrhic victory, essentially walking into impeachment proceedings as soon as he sworn in, or for those who voted for Bush to realize what it is they have wrought?

  2. I had the sense of starting up my computer and seeing a blinking question mark. “Huh? Oh crap, this can’t be good.” Then you just restart the thing and hope that it’s ok and that things will fix themselves the next time.

  3. yes. sux.

    So, is ohio for real? I mean, is there still a possibility?

  4. Americans are sheep. I have no other explanation for the wholesale abandonment of the environment, civil liberties, women’s rights, separation of church and state and so much more that was at stake that nobody really noticed. This man will appoint possibly 3 Supreme Court Justices in the next 4 years. I suppose all we can hope for now is for Senator Clinton to be prudent, steadfast, and heroic as our next likely candidate. Of course we can always hope for a little backlash, but I am very impatient. We are just screwed.

  5. It isn’t over til the fat lady sings. Not that I’m suggesting that Ohio is overweight…

  6. The results

    Girlwithpen: I am deeply and profoundly discouraged this morning. Domenico: The Angry Left can not claim, as they did for the past four years, that Bush is an illegitimate president: … He won the popular vote, he won the electoral…

  7. my condolences to you, your family, your country and all the rest of us on this planet … loooks like the next bunch of years won’t be all that much fun

  8. Julia – so anyone who doesn’t follow your lead is a sheep? Interesting.

  9. J and Julia, your opposing reactions are a microcosm of what just happened.

    Looking in from the outside, and like >70% of other outsiders, I just don’t get it. I don’t “get” Bush. I don’t “get” how he could possibly get 30% of the vote let alone 51%. Everything about Bush appears so stupendously bad that it’s impossible for us to imagine how even the most accomplished spinmeister could turn it into a triumph.

    One thing’s for sure. The US now has to cope with 49% hating the President inside the USA and 70% hating the Pres from outside the USA. It’s going to be a long strange 4 years.

    Or as somebody else said, “What do you do with a country where the lizard brain is in control”?

  10. Answer: Treat it like a Gila Monster. With great care.

  11. Excuse me while I wag…

  12. Blame it on the Bell Curve. It evens things out a little. That’s what democracy’s about. It works and, for that, we should be grateful.

    (Yeah, why should the average American be smarter, more clued or wiser than anybody else? In fact, from where I stand… ehem…)

    Please, get over it soon…the world and the Web need their voices of reason. That’s you, you, you and you.

  13. You liberal losers need to get a job. Bush kicked some serious liberal ass because of dumbshits like you and MoveOn.Org. What a joke. All the MoveOn.Org arseholes did was mobilize the conservative base. Keep aligning your party with the likes of Sharpton, Moorer, Hillary and Ted “The Molester” Kennedy. You guys will never win if you don’t figure it out.


  14. Shhhh, Bubba, you’ll spook them. They are in fine fettle, stewing in their kettle, and let’s keep them there. It’s easier to cook a frog slow, and they help by turning on the burner and jumping into the pan! They mistake brain activity for thought, then take it to the bank and write checks on it. Gotta love it.

  15. oh crap

  16. wTF is this a website! woo hoo!
    Here’s the most inportant one
    OH SHIT!

  17. assistante education primaire , astuce de jeu..

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