My inspiring advice on Nov. 3
Posted on:: November 3rd, 2004
Find a line you care about.
Declare it.
Don’t let them cross it.
Don’t retreat from it.
Repeat for four years.
Categories: Uncategorized dw
Find a line you care about.
Declare it.
Don’t let them cross it.
Don’t retreat from it.
Repeat for four years.
Categories: Uncategorized dw
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Slogan to put everywhere, including on flags flying outside our homes:
50 Million Said No
The November 2004 Presidential Election Motto, Double-Entendre Version:
You go David! BTW, I just quoted you heavily on our website here:
Trotsky’s famous dialectical “law of combined and uneven development” is either buried deep within the meaning of yesterday’s fiasco, or it’s back to the table rasa for good.
First, I would like to write that I am sorry about President Bush.
Second, a suggestion. Design blog buttons saying “the next president is a Democrat”. Different slogans, diffrent designs. Set up a website with the buttons.
Ask people to put a button in their blog but the images should be shown from the website and not from their blogs.
Set up a statistics program that shows how many people are exposed to the buttons.
If you see a decline over time, do something about it.
Good luck,
Get this: The Democratic party i DEAD: INEFFECTIVE as a real opposition party with any real power. bush won because he was better at presenting the populist message–period. Edwards my make you feel good, but his message is out of touch with the real world, while Kerry is just plain wishy.
Well said. Thank you.
I’ve promised myself to write a minimum of one op-ed piece per month, to be sent to radio and print outlets, so that I can speak out on the issues which matter to me. Because I have a voice, and I’m darn well going to use it.