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I’m too depressed to blog

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7 Responses to “I’m too depressed to blog”

  1. Turn the page, David. We need to get to work on a new political party.

  2. You’re not too depressed to read are ya? Yeah, it does look like a bummer. But, we must keep hope alive! And I’m not blowing smoke, either.

    If you check out this map, you’ll see that the states in the balance have something in common:

    And you can drill down to the county level at:

    For example, for OH you can see what counties use Diebold (DRE):

    By looking at the pop figures, we can see that Columbus is a good place to scrutinize…

  3. Exactly, has anyone done the statistical analysis to see if there is a correlation between exit poll results and precincts that did or did not have electronic voting machines?

  4. “COLUMBUS – The head of a company vying to sell voting machines in Ohio told Republicans in a recent fund-raising letter that he is “committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year.”

    The Aug. 14 letter from Walden O’Dell, chief executive of Diebold Inc. – who has become active in the re-election effort of President Bush – prompted Democrats this week to question the propriety of allowing O’Dell’s company to calculate votes in the 2004 presidential election.

    O’Dell attended a strategy pow-wow with wealthy Bush benefactors – known as Rangers and Pioneers – at the president’s Crawford, Texas, ranch earlier this month. The next week, he penned invitations to a $1,000-a-plate fund-raiser to benefit the Ohio Republican Party’s federal campaign fund – partially benefiting Bush – at his mansion in the Columbus suburb of Upper Arlington.

    The letter went out the day before Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, also a Republican, was set to qualify Diebold as one of three firms eligible to sell upgraded electronic voting machines to Ohio counties in time for the 2004 election.

    Blackwell’s announcement is still in limbo because of a court challenge over the fairness of the selection process by a disqualified bidder, Sequoia Voting Systems.”

  5. personally, although i am saddened by the news of mr.bush’s victory, as an outsider (south african) looking in i’m quite glad its all over. for some reason i’m not surprised by the result.


    it seems to me that if there was a vote only taken by US bloggers bush would be finished. if there was a vote taken by the rest of the world bush would be finished. seems like the stereotypical american won the vote this time.

    i vote that we forget about this one. i vote bloggers start talking about something else for a change. (hope i didn’t hit any nerves)

  6. Face it liberal dip shits….you backed a loser. I expect Oprah or even worse, Hillary will be next…..LOLOLOLOL…..will you losers ever learn.

    Bush kicked some serious liberal ass. Biggest coattails in years and, by the way, Daschle is looking for work. Anyone need their car washed?

  7. In order to help your frustration, let me tell you that I am a citizen of the Czech Republic, and I would have probably supported George W. Bush, if I could have.

    There are many places in the world that favored Bush, too. And there are many blogs that are not unhappy about the outcome of the elections – for example, see mine! ;-)

    At the end, the elections were not so much about the Iraq war or economy – it was about the “moral values”.

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