Joho the Blog » [PT] Bloggers dinner – Thursday
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[PT] Bloggers dinner – Thursday

28 bloggers, 11 pizzas…

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3 Responses to “[PT] Bloggers dinner – Thursday”

  1. too much pizza for too little bloggers… could you have more??? i can see happy faces…so the dinner was great!!!!!!! have a nace week!!! my kisses…CALENE- brazil!!!!!

  2. Pop!Tech – first thoughts

    I’m having a great time at Pop!Tech.

  3. Bloggers Dinner and Event Capture.

    Bloggers dinner at PopTech. I think 28 bloggers turned up at the PopTech bloggers dinner at PopTech. Master blogger David Weinberger has the most copious notes on events and interpretations. See his blog for posts. Halley’s Comment and Buzz Bruggerman…

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