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[PT] Alex Steffen

Alex Steffen from says that we’re doomed — too many people, etc. — but that there is in fact another world already here. He points to Jim Moore’s Second Super Power, Howard Dean, Linus Torvalds, wikipedia, Creative Commons, and Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva. Lula is rengotiating the relationship between the developed and underdeveloped worlds, Alex says. Brazil is giving broadband to poor areas and seeing rapid economic improvement. He also points to the Internet Bookmobile, a merry-go-round that pumps water as kids play, a rollable water jug, and a flower that has bee nengineered to detect land mines. Then there’s the pond scum that emits hydrogen.

[Very upbeat talk. But we’re all doomed.]

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3 Responses to “[PT] Alex Steffen”

  1. Alex at PopTech

    David Weinberger, a cloned copy of whom attends every conference everywhere, blogs Alex’s talk at >Pop!Tech. “Very upbeat talk. But we’re all doomed.” [Link]…

  2. Note to self …

    … read links from Joho’s [PT] Alex Steffen post….

  3. Alex Speaks At Poptech

    Question: can a talk that begins “Ladies and Gentlemen: we’re screwed!” leave one feeling hopeful? Answer: when it’s given by our own Alex Steffen, it…

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