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[PT] Phillip Longman

Phillip Longman says: Unless the secular socities find a way to reproduce themselves, the future belongs to fundamentalists…that is, a new dark ages.” (He’s at the New America Foundation.) More exactly: Fallling birthrates will bring a breakdown of modern welfare states, and the inability of secular societies ro reproduce themselves will lead to the rise of fundamentalist states.

He goes through the numbers. I, of course, I can’t evaluate them because, well, they’re numbers. “Does the future belong to those who believe a higher power command them to procreate? On the surface, the answer seems to be yes.” One conclusion: The future of America, demographically speaking, belongs to the Mormons, he suggests.

[My favorite slide title from this presentation: “An Aging Population Death Spiral” Quite the light-hearted talk! ; ) ]

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2 Responses to “[PT] Phillip Longman”

  1. good. who cares. now how about those sox! I guess my question was answered about the celebration–cops, “punks,” innocent deaths…and so it goes

  2. David, I think this was the guy who mentioned that some high percentage (70-80%? — can’t remember) of people in their 50’s and 60’s who didn’t have kids, “regret” it. I was just wondering, did they survey as many 50 – 60 years olds who do have kids? I mean, what if they regret it too, at the same rates?

    Kidding. I’m sure many parents don’t regret having them, just a few of the ways they handled raisimg them. But I did think it was funny to state one side and not the other. If he had satisfaction figures on the other side, it would make it far more compelling to me.

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