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[PT] At PopTech

I’m at PopTech for the next few days, which looks like it’ll be an exceptional conference. I’m helping out with the official backchannel chat for attendees, which will probably prevent me from live-blogging it. But I don’t like live-blogging anyway. I only do it because Im too lazy to go back to my motel room and actually think about what I’ve heard.

I’m sitting in the blogger’s corner of the Camden, Maine, opera house. We have the power. No, really, this corner is where the power outlets are. I’m sitting next to Halley. Lots of friends in the audience.

Shh. The upbeat shut-up-we’re-starting-music is beginning and Bob Metcalfe is about to come on stage to kick things off…

Theme of the conference: The Next Renaissance. First session’s speakers: Frans de Waal, Joel Garreau, and Malcolm Gladwell. Not bad!

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One Response to “[PT] At PopTech”

  1. “Shh. The upbeat shut-up-we’re-starting-music is beginning and Bob Metcalfe is about to come on stage to kick things off…”

    “Shh” is OK, but “shut up” and “Beat” in the same sentence gives me the willies.

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