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Shelley’s Blogopedia

Shelley’s had a damn fine idea for how to create an overview of blogging:

The purpose behind the IT Kitchen was to provide an overview of weblogging, the nuances and the ins and outs and that sort of thing. Sort of like many of the handbooks about weblogging that have been published online by various people (see Rebecca Blood’s). However, instead of just providing static content, there’s an interactive element to it, a community participation, which allows people to ask questions as the material is published, or even provide their own material in support of a topic.

Want to know how to blog? Interested in the nuances? This blog-and-wiki is going to be one of your first stops.

Meanwhile, this is causing wikiphobia in Jeneane. (My guess is that Jeneane’s over it already, so don’t bother sending the get-well cards.)

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3 Responses to “Shelley’s Blogopedia”

  1. What’s it like in Boston tonight? Crazy? Fireworks? I guess if one lives long enough, all probabilities become actualities. I think Aristotle said that.

  2. No. Still scared.

  3. Hey, what about dose Sox?

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