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Glenn Fleishman’s book info blog

Glenn Fleishman, who you know from his work explaining wireless to the rest of us, has started a blog about, well, here’s what he says:

I’m launching this site in the interests of starting conversations about the way in which book details — author, title, subject, and even page count — are collected, sold, disseminated, updated, broken, and misused.

Take a look. It’s pretty damn interesting stuff.

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4 Responses to “Glenn Fleishman’s book info blog”

  1. Do you have the URL of his new blog?

  2. It’s

  3. Apparently I expended all my neural energy spelling Glenn’s name right. Well, Moron Boy has now updated the entry, adding the link to Glenn’s blog. D’oh!

  4. Glenn Fleishman’s blog on Book Information and MetaInformation

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