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Instant poll of one

Personally? Having just seen the last debate, I’ve decided to vote for Kerry.

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15 Responses to “Instant poll of one”

  1. David, I actually think Bush is so tired, he’s started to think of how nice it might be to … lose. He seemed inappropriately smiley at all the wrong times tonight.

  2. Remember the speech Bush 1 gave the evening before the election he lost? The one that sounded like an advance concession speech? It did have that kind of vibe to it.

  3. Well, I just want to reiterate Kerry’s point, also made by Edwards in his debate, that Mary Cheney is a lesbian. This is a very important issue in this campaign, and should surely make everyone who supports Bush/Cheney reconsider their support.

    Of course, given Kerry’s recent track record of mentioning people in debates, Mary Cheney might want to go to an undisclosed location for the next few days and avoid sharp objects and stairs.

  4. Hey, David I had a great time kibbitzing in the JOHO IRC kibbutz. But no mention of stem cell research?

    However, the highlight of the day was reading Halley’s B&B Babylon piece. I want to hear the mp3 podcast of this. I think that would be a good idear.

  5. The whole so called presidential “debate” was a sickening joke.

    This is because the only true *small* government candidate Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party was excluded. Instead of hearing about ways to reduce the size and cost of government, restore our rights and freedoms, and get the government out of people’s lives all we heard was different opinions on how government can solve every social ill.

    His website is located at

    Michael Badnarik is the only candidate that desires to reduce the size and scope of our bloated government, abolish legislation such as the Patriot Act that violates our rights, and abolish the income tax and replace it with nothing.

    He believes the government’s job is to protect the life, liberty, and property of it’s citizens and not to stray from the limit’s imposed on it by the constitution.

    If Michael Badnarik (who will be on the ballot in 48 states and DC) had been allowed to participate it would have been a REAL debate! A *small* government voice would have been heard instead of the blathering of two *big* government politicans.

    Kerry and Bush don’t respect our rights, the constitution, and only want to increase the size of our government.

    I am voting for Michael Badnarik, the only SMALL government candidate!

  6. you have televised debates in your country?

    what about people who don’t have TV?

    And how do you know apart from the Prez and Vice Prez who else is going to influence policy in the social, economic, defence, foreign, domestic, developmental, commerce areas if you don’t know what teams they might pick?

    Maybe my country where each party organizes 1000s of public speeches by the 20 top leaders of each national party does give out a more ‘integrated’ message to the country…


  7. Gautam, I think you miss the point. The debates are very similar to the talent competition in the Miss America pageant. We stage it and watch it because it is politically correct and makes us look sensitive and thoughtful even though we all know that the winner will be the one who looked the hottest in a swimsuit.

  8. Were you actually considering voting for Bush ? … which would mean re-appointing all of his colleagues ?

    That consideration would seem strange to me, given the points of view you have outlined in the past on your blog.

  9. Michael Badnarik is just this side of an anarchist, as are most Libertarians, in my view. His is the radical (and strikingly unpopular) view that government is bad in just about every way and has almost no legitimate role to play in American life. It appeals to those who, having grown extremely cynical about today’s political climate, want simply to wash their hands of the issue of governance entirely. The fact that “on paper” market forces and private enterprise somehow conspire to meet every legitimate human need bears no relationship to reality; the logic, though internally consistent, is simply naive in the extreme.

    But if you’re debating whether to vote for Badnarik or Bush… Go Badnarik! :)

    I do agree, however, that we need major electoral reform so that third party candidates can participate more and become more viable. No argument there.

    As far as the debate last night goes, all I can say is gosh!

  10. Kevin Marks has posted an mp3 of the debate with the chat room’s comments scrolling by in sync. Very cool.

    No, Jon, I am not open-minded enough to have ever considered, even for an instant, voting for Bush.

  11. Oh good news. We were all holding our breath!

    Still, I don’t think your declaration qualifies as the much anticipated “October Surprise.”

    Try again…


  12. Patrick Kennedy is not alone. Mary Cheney is using her addiction to cunnilingus to put more young men on death row. The second daugther is a lesbian, why do I have to romance this girl for time just for sex when I can it very quickly with my friend ass. Before you knew it, you will enter this waiting list for the 5 or 7 years
    Bye! I follow VEEP daughter happiness, I am gone too soon
    Arthur Mboue

  13. Washington Times article
    If you did have un-protected vaginal sexual acts w or w/o kids, check this news, Washtimes, 6/2/06 p A14
    Less success has been shown in dealing w/ HIV transmission among homosexual men (anal sex and anal eating) men who have sex w/ other men account for approximately 45 % of NEWLY (no fear) reported AIDS diagnoses,…

    It is Gay related Immune Defeciency or GRID WHY?
    women (vagina w/ petito bleeding, mutilated, cup design) & left side gay men (anal pleasure receiver, always bleeding anal, cup design) will carry semen for a long time after sex from a double punching men ( men & women fucking, non specialized) or same CHAIN
    If a woman does have vaginal or/and anal sex w/ a bi-sexual man or a man who is having sex w/ a woman who is/ was having sex (anal or/and vaginal) with a bi-sexual man
    Foreign visitor will spend one dollar over to get anal pleasure from a woman or man over there what is $100 (charge for anal sex on the street sex worker men here)
    Trouble chain
    Arthur Mboue

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