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Gonzo Marketing revisited

I’ve been re-reading Chris Locke’s Gonzo Marketing and I’ve been struck again by what a damn good book it is. Chris writes so well, and so entertainingly, that it’s easy to forget how profound his ideas are. Gonzo is a visionary work, which is not a word applied to many (any?) marketing books. And it’s got more ideas in its little finger than most marketing writers have in a lifetime.

So why didn’t Gonzo knock Who Moved My Stinky Stinky Cheese off the best-seller list? It didn’t help that Gonzo was published a couple of weeks after 9/11. (Oh, thank you, terrorists!) And, frankly, I don’t think the title helped: It sounds like it’s about how you can pull off wacky marketing stunts when in fact it dismantles marketing’s basic assumptions and points it in a new direction: micromarkets, voice, engagement.

There’s plenty I disagree with, and, sure, a voice as strong as Chris’ doesn’t appeal equally to all, but so what? At least there’s lots to disagree about and at least it has a voice. Go buy a copy for a friend in marketing…

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2 Responses to “Gonzo Marketing revisited”

  1. Grasshopper?

    OK, I just watched Kill Bill (both volumes, back to back; Si and I wanted to see them together before Pippa moves back to Evanston, and it made for a curious sort of pacifist father-son bonding). I’m undecided about whether the beauty warrants th…

  2. I also have just re-read the book, and loved it over again. It was initialy suggested to me by a friend and i was reluctant to read it because of the word marketing in the title, thinking it was “comand and control” type stuff. Glad I gave it a chance.
    Is there still a website associated with the book or any other books planned?

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