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Debate chat

I enjoyed chatting with a bunch of you during the previous debate. So, let’s do it again. I’ll set up a channel at called johodebate, starting around 8:45pm (Boston time). You’re all invited

If your chat software works the way mine (HydraIRC) does, you go to File -> Connect, and then click on Freenode as your server. Beneath that you should see Click on that one. Once the window opens indicating that you’re connected, in the type-in field at the bottom, type “/join #johodebate” except without the quotes.

Play nice. No trolling. And I get to decide who to kick.

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12 Responses to “Debate chat”

  1. Parallel text commentary to audio tracks using .movs

    Dave Winer put up an mp3 of the debate; David Weinberger organised an irc chat to heckle it. I combined the two: You can call this audioblogging with comments or maybe it is something else.Note that if you open it in QuickTime Player, you can search th…

  2. In The Wake of Derrida

    Last night, between snarky comments about the debate, David Weinberger and I were chatting about postmodern theorists (sorry to sound pretentious; if it makes us sound more down-to-earth, I could quote some of the Halley-inspired political commentary w…

  3. Kevin Marks’ mix of debate audio with online chat

    This is awesome .

  4. free culture hardcore

    Kevin Marks remezcla un mp3 del último debate presidencial con pistas del IRC de David Weinberger. Aquí, el resultado. thanks Doc!…

  5. Could we have social video editing?

    Mark Cuban has some ideas for improving TiVos. However, only one of them is slightly social. Last week I did a little experiment – I took David Weinberger’s presidential debate irc chat heckling and combined it with an mp3,…

  6. Could we have social video editing?

    Mark Cuban has some ideas for improving TiVos. However, only one of them is slightly social. Last week I did a little experiment – I took David Weinberger’s presidential debate irc chat heckling and combined it with an mp3, giving a recorded social in…

  7. Tuesday was on eof the darkest days in our nation’s history. It is really a sad day to be an American. Why is it that 80% of the world realizes the stupidity in the president’s government, foreign and fiscal policies but a majority or Americans are still blind to the truth. November 2nd is the black tueday for modern generations.

    I morn today for the past four year and for the future. Thousands of pour minorities that deffend our country have just be condemned to death by our presidents re-election. I am signing my life away to the united states army so that one rich white boy(myself) can take the place of a poor black boy from chicago whos only reason to go to war is to get away from the wars that go on everyday in the ghettos of America.

  8. I really think Bush is the right president for the USA. Kerry was full of lies and told them openly. Bush was serious and honest even though I didn’t agree with some of the things he said. If Kerry had won, I would be crushed.


  9. someone earlier made a big fuss about a story written by a suicide bomber. I have no link, in fact I only have part of it. anyhow, I think it realy doesn’t make sense how a suicide bomber would want to write a story about himslef before he dies. It started as if, the suicide bomber got a call form god assuring him his death will be justified on the day of judgement. The funny thing is that, he is already in the airport. Where does he have time to jot all these thoughts. “AS I entered the gates” he said, as he was entering the airport security system. The funny thing is that, if he managed to type all this after entering te gates, he is still going to have to board the plane. DUH! maybe he has given it to a firend who magically bypassed security system to grab his document. that it self could be another carefully anylzxyed plot. Whatever I”m out.

  10. I AM NOT A BUSH FAN. we are sending in more troops? that is ridicious.

    Jessica, New York

  11. i agree with everything you guys are into

  12. Hey everyone
    Tell me who are the gov. to judge Hilary Clinton on her political views on feminist views and make fun of her liberal views I believe we need a women president because for the past couple of hundred years I have not seen any positive changes because of the male infested dominance with presidents I believe they are selfish and they dont look at many of the things we recognize and take into consideration. For an example when clinton was in office he was selfish and thought of nothing but his sexual needs and supposedly he is a loving presidential figure to the United States but when the constitution was made it was made under Gods main rules kinda a part of conservative views and now Bush who is taking his family beliefs and issues and allowing soldiers to join a self infested fight with Iraq, if they want to blow America up they are going to do it so how many innocent lives are we gonna take to make a point. Now I think A WOMENS place will probaly lift us a little more and mother U.S.A.

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