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Nuisances and lies

Kerry says that we need to do everything we can so we can return to a time when terrorism is merely a nuisance. Bush says that Kerry thinks terrorism is merely a nuisance. Both quotes are getting play on the media. So, will this be the time when Kerry says, “Are you so unconstrained by truth and decency that you will say anything to get re-elected” … and America listens?

Kerry says we need to return to a time when terrorism is merely a nuisance. Bush says we’re going to win the war against terrorism. Is this the time that Kerry says, “We will hunt down and kill every terrorist we can find, but the day you, Mr. President, stand on an aircraft carrier and declare ‘Mission Accomplished’ in the war against terrorism is the day you let down America’s guard” … and America listens?

The UN International Atomic Energy Agency reports that nuclear materials have vanished from Iraq:

The U.S. government prevented U.N. weapons inspectors from returning to Iraq — thereby blocking the IAEA from monitoring the high-tech equipment and materials — after the U.S.-led war was launched in March 2003.

Yup, we had the foresight to guard the Oil Ministry but not the nuclear materials. It makes me sick to my stomach.

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One Response to “Nuisances and lies”

  1. But a CIA report released last week by chief U.S. weapons inspector Charles Duelfer concluded that Hussein terminated his nuclear program after the first Gulf War in 1991.


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