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Chatting through the debates

About 10-15 of us had a grand ol’ time in a chat room during the debates. Frankly, we were much more entertaining than the candidates.

I’ll set up another chat room next Wednesday for the final debate before the apocalypse. See you then?

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7 Responses to “Chatting through the debates”

  1. I will be there as the token Bush supporter.

    Thanks for hosting last night.

  2. I’ll be there as well, I wish I had seen your posting for last nights chat earlier, so I’ll just mention a few comments here…Kerry’s response to Iran started off shakey, but he came through strong with “If we need to get tough on Iran, we’ll get tough,” or whatever he said there. Bush’s little jaw quirk is quite entertaining itself, I guess he’s a little stressed out.

    I never sent you an email about myself when I registered w/ your blog the other day, so I’ll do it here and put myself on public display. While I was studying for the MCATs earlier this year I got in the habit of leaving cspan on in the background and then if something cought my ear I would take a break and watch more closely. The summit you spoke at on Politics and the Internet was where I first heard you speak (one of those MCAT study breaks), and I was intrigued by your ideas (which articulated many of my own thoughts, although I knew and still know comparitively little about the internet/blogs). Anyways, I graduated from Northeastern in may and am applying to med schools right now, so since I’ve got some “free” year-off time, I figured I’d get into some of this, and so far it has not disappointed.

    My one big hope is that this blogging phenomenon becomes so pervasive it begins to come full circle and people start engaging in “live” conversation as freely they do/will in “internet” conversation. Anywho, that’s something about me and where I’m coming from (i.e.-Rochester, NY).

    It sounds like I’ll need some software to join the chat room wednesday night, what should i get/where?

  3. Bryan, great to have you in the room last night.

    Brad, good to meet you. Yes, what happens when blogging is pervasive is a truly interesting question.

    If you have XP, you might try downloading hydraIRC. Mirc is also widely used. See you Wednesday.

  4. I can only imagine. Although Bushman did land a big hooker (like his bro, heh?) with his comment at the end of the thing when they were discussing Right To Life: “What did he just say?” It is true, that Kerry sounded like a philosopher at that point. Bush couldn’t have followed given his strongest will, but it was a funny retort. Dang!

  5. Need any wood?


  6. Alas, this time around I will miss it, since the debate will have to go onto my VCR. After all, the ALCS between the Red Sox and Yankees will be on.

    Priorities, you know.

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