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Children of Abraham

Children of Abraham has posted an exhibit of photos by young Moslems and Jews:

Children of Abraham 2004 is an internet-based collaboration which has involved over sixty participants (interns) between the ages of 15-21 from twenty-three countries in the development of an online photo essay that highlights the core similarities between Judaism and Islam. An advanced interactive website has enabled these interns to discuss their work, and to engage in frank, probing dialogue on sensitive issues of culture, religion and politics.

…Many of the interns came from parts of the world where they have had no contact with the other faith. Maria Ali-Adib, a Syrian co-director of the project, was impressed by the openness displayed by interns during this process of discovery…

…More than 1,500 photo images were collected and some 3,000 postings submitted on the discussion boards. The project will have a fall photo exhibit available to be accompanied with comments from the interns. Current efforts include the formation of Muslim-Jewish dialogue groups by interns in their schools and communities, and a compilation of the summer’s online discussions for use as educational material.

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One Response to “Children of Abraham”

  1. Thanks Dave, this is an excellent blog !! Just shows Peter Senge was right (in 1991!!), with the Open Community Concept !!

    Wayto HumanityV2.0 !!

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