Joho the Blog » Best. Debate rumor. Ever.
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Best. Debate rumor. Ever.

Salon has a sober consideration of the blog-based rumor that Bush was wired with a receiver so that he had a direct line to the voice of God (i.e., Karl Rove) during the first debate. It is an hilarious rumor that I am delighted to pass along as delightfully unsubstantiated.

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4 Responses to “Best. Debate rumor. Ever.”

  1. David,

    Salon has picked it up, and thankfully they included the photo showing the bulge. I tried for the last 10 minutes to find the blow-up of this photo which clearly shows that he indeed does have a bulge that pokes out at least 3/4 of an inch and is very block/rectangular in shape. Here’s the story with photo:

  2. Ok, I found the blow-up. Here’s the link:

  3. David,
    Cryptome has a great follow up at

    Is this so crazy that it is true? It certainly would be ironic.

  4. Bush’s URO

    Geodog, in a comment, points to Cryptome’s investigation of the Unidentified Rectangular Object under Bush’s jacket during the first debate. Not only does he conclude it was probably a receiver, he has photos of possible devices and lists the frequenci…

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