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Rosen on Satullo on Blogs and Journalism

Jay approvingly annotates a column by Chris Satullo in the Philadelphia Post about blogs. “What matters is that journalism survive, that the craft of speaking truth to power with factual care not be snuffed out,” says Satullo. “Because power prefers lies. Without journalism, lies flourish and liars rule.” Whether it’s bloggers or big media journalists, that’s what matters. And, from that point of view, having an citizenry engaged in unearthing, checking and appropriating facts works towards the same end as journalism: “…helping the public life of this nation work well.”

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3 Responses to “Rosen on Satullo on Blogs and Journalism”

  1. My ememo to the Kerry campaign:

    I remember in 1975, when I was in high-school, much was made about energy conservation, both in terms of the environment, and making America less dependent. Conservation was made into a noble cause, and people were proud to be seen as careful.

    What the heck is going on here now? I have yet to hear you advance any such policy. I have been going back and forth on whether or not I should vote at all, and I think I may make this my singular issue. If I hear nothing about this between now and the election, I just may sit it out, because in that case, it makes no difference who’s in DC, since the root of the problem will be exactly the same. It is as if conspicuous consumption has become a given premise of our lives as Americans.

    Also, tonight I watched a program on Saudi Arabia, and listened to Joe Bidden. There was a complete lack of honesty there. At no time was any mention made of the root cause of the conflict, which is a shame. The whole thing boils down to the fact that since our forces did not pull out in 1990, like they were “supposed” to do, the region went to hell as a protest, and now they need us there to prop them up, which is backasswards, but that’s another matter.

  2. That’s the Philadelphia Inquirer (“Inky” for short).

  3. “Without journalism, lies flourish and liars rule.”
    Do Bush and Blair then prove the non-existence of journalism?

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