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Pestiside: King-maker

As Erik D’Amato writes in his Hungarian blog:

In a stunning upset likely to send shockwaves throughout the so-called “blogosphere,” recently-launched Hungarian-American website yesterday beat recently-launched Hungarian-American website in the race to be the first Internet weblog, or “blog,” to successfully throw a significant electoral contest.

At issue was the presidency of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hungary:

The Hungarian AmCham has ceased to be an institution dedicated to promoting the “American” way of doing business, and is instead now a local symbol of the most “un-American” of bad business habits, including cronyism, cartelism, non-transparency and even a degree of media coercion.

Erik exposes the issues, including a possible conflict of interest for the incumbent. Did Pestiside make the difference in the election? Why don’t we just say yes? After all, aren’t all politics blogal?

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One Response to “Pestiside: King-maker”

  1. I heard about a new company called “EcoSMART” and decided to do a little research. They apparently have a line of insecticides and insect repellent at select Wal-Marts that are completely non-toxic and safe around children and pets! Anyone heard anything/tried this product???

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