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Spinning our own eyes

I understand why Ken Mehlman, as the Bush/Cheney campaign manager, in his latest msg pounds on Kerry’s “global test” statement, as if working with allies is the same thing as giving them a veto. But I can’t figure out how he can talk about Kerry’s “repeated denigration of our troops” at the debate. I mean, we were there. We heard him. Kerry could not have been more straightforward in his honoring our soldiers.

Yeah, yeah, I understand the logic: If you think a war is mistaken, you must also think the soldiers are mistaken. It’s stupid logic, but I understand it. What I can’t understand is why the Republican campaign thinks that, given Kerry’s actual statements and his demeanor, which we saw with our own eyes, we’re going to fall for this one.

(The subject line of the message is: “Fight the Spin – Spread the Truth!” Beyond spin and all the way to chutzpah.)

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