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Australian dissertations online

Australia is going to put records of all doctoral dissertations online in a searchable database. Great news, although I suppose technically it means that the Web has just gotten a bit more boring.

The article is a tad ambiguous. I think the database will contain the metadata, including an abstract, and not the dissertations themselves.

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One Response to “Australian dissertations online”

  1. The goal of the Australian Digital Theses (ADT) project is to make the full text of the dissertations available digitally.
    The first 2649 theses are available now from the
    Australian Digital Theses web site.

    David, the news article you cited could be construed as a pre-election bid for funding to continue developing the project.

    Many big-spending promises have been made over the last few weeks, by the two major parties and by various smaller parties seeking to either influence the outcome in the House of Reps (by distributing their preferences) or win the balance of power in the Senate.

    The ADT project has had trouble getting enough funding to solve its various technical and intellectual property issues, and I suspect the coordinators thought it was worth putting out the collective hat to catch some of the spare change…

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