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Republican remix

Here’s a remix from the Republican Convention (“Keeping America Scared”), via Liz via Joi. I haven’t been able to see it because of my sub-par connection here in the hotel. (BTW, I got to hang out with Liz at the fun drinks-and-snacks fest Microsoft put on for its “Search Champs,” i.e., people it’s going to show some of its search software to tomorrow. Lucky me! Liz is here as the sole representative of all women.)

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7 Responses to “Republican remix”

  1. I notice they didn’t invite a clergy representative. . . .

  2. I caught that remix on Joi’s blog over the weekend. It’s a good one.

  3. UserDriven Video EDITorial

    Amazing the statement that one person can now make when they spend a little time with video editing software. Here is the Republican National Convention reduced to a rather interesting two minutes: here and a mirrored copy (Joi Ito’s Web:

  4. How do I get this video to my girlfriend in the Middle East? The military blocks most outside video.

  5. Wow, they do? Some but not all? That’s actually pretty disturbing.

    Send her a CD? Try sending her a bunch of urls where the video is posted?

  6. Here’s a working link to the video.

  7. Here’s a working link to that video.

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