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Barlow on why he’s supporting Kerry anyway

John Perry Barlow, brillliant and frank, explains why he’s supporting Kerry for President, albeit maybe not for prom king.

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5 Responses to “Barlow on why he’s supporting Kerry anyway”

  1. As an admirer of Joho, I’d like to recommend a post at

    It sums up my response to the presidential debate much better than I could say myself. It is written by my daughter on a site usually devoted to admiration of the Harry Potter books, Lord of the Rings, etc.

    When she does an occasional political piece, she makes a mother’s heart proud. The comments of her readers — many who are barely old enough to vote and some from other countries — are also heartening to those of us suffering under the Bush administration.

  2. The debate was not taken seriousle by a lot of people… Hopefully kerry will be elected!


  3. I read what Barlow had to say, and he strikes me as someone who very much likes the sound of his own voice. Everyone wants their own versionof Barlow, like the rest of us, is not going to get his Buffalo Bill. Time to quit whining. Though Barlow signals his reluctant support for Kerry, an endorsement so tepid that it is hardly likely to want to vote for Kerry, he could at least wait for awhile before making character assessments based on the color of his tie, or, his perceived patrician sensibilities. Should we hold it against someone for having manners, for being articulate, for not murdering the language? Apparently Kerry doesn’t suit barlow’s needs. Perhaps he would prefer a candidate less tall, or one with a different hair style. He needs to be given a chance, and if Barlow dislikes Bush as much as he indicates, the last thing he needs to do is denigrate the only alternative we have at the moment.

  4. Mr. Barlow mentions how Germans feel about the election. As for here in the Great White North:

    Majority Of Canadians (60%)Would Vote For John Kerry As Next President of The United States Versus George W. Bush (22%)

    Strong Majority (73%) of Canadians Agree They Like And Admire Americans, But Only 29% Say They Like And Respect Current Bush Administration

  5. I’m confused. Didn’t Barlow give up his right to vote when he declared independence on behalf of Cyberspace? I mean, I don’t get to vote in elections in Great Britain, why should JP be allowed to vote in elections here in the U.S.?

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